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How values are changing the shape of our society and the thinking of human beings

Values are an important part of society and play a vital role in the thinking process of human beings about society. Our sense of right and wrong is expressed by our values. The values of people are reflected in their behavior and decisions. Our values determine the way of think and acting of human beings in society.

People spend their lives according to the principle values of society, religion, and culture. People learn most of their social, cultural, and religious values from their parents, extended families and books, and past events and many of them strongly follow their traditional values in society without bringing any change or improvement in the values. This follows of values affect the way of thinking of people and their actions in a society like events, campaigns, and social responsibilities.

The most important value for me is self-honesty. It is essential for a person to live with honesty in every aspect of life to spend their lives in the best way through which they can contribute in an exemplary way to the betterment and changing of a society into a corruption-free and modern one. Our values teach us that cheating, robbery, and corruption are bad things and it causes of roots of society to hollow. Honesty has made me a proud member of society and fulfilled my principles and purpose in life till yet. It has brought peace to my life that I have not taken and given bribes to anyone for the fulfillment of any illegal work. 

My religion Islam also directs me strongly to live life with the core principle of honesty. I hope to create a society where honesty will be the core principle of society. If people work honestly, the merit system will prevail and all will be given opportunities and rights on an equal basis then society will become better and prosperous and the poverty and illiteracy rates will decrease to none in the coming years.

Equality is one of the second most important values in my life. I believe that no society can progress without equality. I always try to treat my friends, family members, classmates, and society members on an equal basis to make sure that the feeling of no one can be hurt and to make the environment stable and comfortable for everyone. This act gives me an inner feeling of satisfaction and happiness. I always stick to this value of equality because my religion Islam said that “All Humans are equal”.We have seen that there is no equality in the provision of rights in society and especially women are the real target who did not give rights to work and privacy due to illiteracy and some old cultural and social values of societies.

We can change this cultural value which impacts the way of thinking of people that equality is not necessary and favoritism should gain popularity and females do have no right of acquiring education. Although every religion says that getting an education is the basic right of every human being. I want to make a society in which everyone is given jobs and other opportunities on an equal basis. Basic commodities like water, electricity, and gas must be distributed among the consumers on an equal basis. Women in particular who are still neglected by society should be supported in every possible way in their fields and they should be given all rights.

Forgiveness is another core value of my life. I claim that society will remain peaceful if you learn the art of forgiveness. I always forgive everyone who does badly to me and try to harm me and my feelings. I feel that forgiveness is one of a kind value that exists only in some people. I believe that showing anger and reaction to the person who has offended you will only spark a fire in the matter and will burn out the whole of society. I want a society where every person forgives other of their mistakes and try to move on without getting punished or fighting with them. This will be a big move in a peaceful and better-connected society.

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